Today Fr. Z asks for a hard thing in the wake of Blase Cardinal Cupich's brutal, hateful suppression of the Institute of Christ the King within his archdiocese: that Masses be offered on August 1st for his intention. He also asks writers and bloggers to pick up this request.
Why is this so hard? Because, on account of his having been a protégé of ex-Cardinal McCarrick, and still more on account of his appalling cruelty and towering hypocrisy, Cardinal Cupich has made himself one of the most loathsome and repulsive figures in the Church's hierarchy in our lifetime. One would wish to see some dreadful, humiliating retribution visited upon him in exchange for the misery he has visited upon his subjects and the sacrileges, such as the infamous laser light Christmas Mass and the Bubble Mass, that he has permitted within his precincts.
But: Christ died for him too, and desires not the death of sinners, but that they should live. To this we all owe the fact that, up to now, we ourselves have not been struck by lightning and swallowed up by the earth.
So, if there are any priests amongst my tiny readership, please offer your Mass on August 1st for the intention of Cardinal Cupich, in view of the fact that his conversion would be God's preferred method of putting a stop to his predations. I myself will offer my daily Rosary for him on that day.