
Friday, December 12, 2008

Update: Goofball Atheist Sign Sprouted Legs

Wailing and gnashing of teeth broke out in Olympia last Friday when the atheist sign parked next to the nativity scene at the state capitol in Olympia, Washington disappeared. According to CNN, the sign, which drew complaints to the governor's office at the rate of 200 calls an hour -- was later found in a ditch.

By far the most fascinating aspect of this story is the torrent of absolute drivel that has issued from the atheists in the wake of this incident. Some samples:

-- From Annie Laurie Gaylor, Foundation co-founder: "I guess they don't follow their own commandments. There's nothing out there with the atheist point of view, and now there is such a firestorm that we have the audacity to exist. And then [whoever took the sign] stifles our speech." It's interesting that the atheists want to get the benefits of the Ten Commandments without actually being bound by them. But as for them having their speech "stifled," that's just a damn lie. I don't know what planet Annie Gaylor has been living on, but nothing in our society is more in-your-face than the atheist point of view, which manifests itself by filing lawsuits to clear crosses, Ten Commandments monuments, nativity scenes and other Christian symbols and images from public property and city seals or, when that's not possible, by putting up stupid signs that disparage religion.

-- From Dan Barker, another Foundation co-founder and ex-Evangelical preacher: "It's not that we are trying to coerce anyone; in a way our sign is a signal of protest. If there can be a Nativity scene saying that we are all going to hell if we don't bow down to Jesus, we should be at the table to share our views." If that's really the message Dan Barker gets from the Infant Jesus and His mother, then he's already in his own private hell.

-- Another gem from Dan Barker: "Most people think December is for Christians and view our signs as an intrusion, when actually it's the other way around. People have been celebrating the winter solstice long before Christmas. We see Christianity as the intruder, trying to steal the holiday from all of us humans." Too stupid for comment.

Call me a cynic, but: is there the slightest possibility that it was the Freedom from Religion Foundation itself that disappeared the sign, in order to provide a further excuse for attacking Christians and scare up more publicity for its cause?

Naaah...not with their big attachment to the Ten Commandments and their dedication to the truth.


  1. Too stupid for words??? Are you not aware that Christmas was celebrated long before Christ?

  2. It's too stupid because winter solstice was observed in pagan cultures, like harvest festivals. Atheists aren't supposed to believe in anything, which makes it extremely hypocritical for them to protest Christmas yet observe festivals dedicated to pagan gods they're not supposed to believe in either. Stupid is as stupid does.

    A so-called atheist is a person who didn't get enough love at home and/or can't stand the thought of not getting their way, as if God was supposed to keep people from being mean to them. I know because I was there.

    Oh, and we ALWAYS knew Jesus was actually born in the spring and that the Pope moved the OBSERVING of his birthday to December 25 on the Julian calendar. WHAT'S YOUR POINT?!

    If you want to live in an atheist country go live in Cuba or China where if you don't march when they tell you to, or think they way they tell you to, you end up in jail or dead.

    Now have a good day.

  3. Heinz,

    In case you've forgotten, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. That such things as wedding rings and winter solstice celebration existed before Christianity (but not Christmas, as you asserted), and this does not de-facto makes them in their current form pagan celebrations; although I will grant that many celebrate a Christmas that is not particularly Christian.

    I am sorry that you have turned your back on your former faith; Based on your opening comment, I would submit that you abandoned what you did not really know, for the comfort of thinking you know something that is not so.

    There is proof of the existence of God. Have you examined it?

  4. Heinz,

    I find it fascinating that you would call China and Cuba "theocracies." I can see a certain logic in that, when man makes himself god, but rather than assume your meaning, would you care to explain what you meant by that?

  5. It's fascinating: atheists calling dibs on Christmas on behalf of pagans.

    Maybe we ought to also go back to some of the ancient pagan practices that went along with such festivals, like, say, human sacrifice.
