Sunday, July 08, 2012

"The Warning": Needs a Warning Label of Its Own

Read this instead.

I have, for the second time, just had my attention drawn to a website called "The Warning."  I will not link to it.  It purports to contain prophecies and revelations transmitted by God to somebody called "Maria Divine Mercy" to the effect that the end of the world will come in our lifetime.  What it actually is is a syllabus of errors of a major order regarding the Catholic faith.  Witness:

-- Absolution is possible without sacramental confession.  This website promises "total absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit" if a particular prayer is recited for seven days in a row.  (Also confuses the distinction between a plenary indulgence and absolution.)  God grants absolution through the priest in confession.  We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through Baptism (CCC at 1265), and the increase of the Spirit's gifts and strength in Confirmation (CCC at 1303).

-- Paradise on earth.  This website says that the Second Coming of Christ will usher in a new earthly paradise for a thousand years.  Actually, what it will usher in will be the end of the world (CCC at 681).  Millenarianism is a heresy (CCC at 676).

-- God suffers in heaven.  The website says: "I am God of the Most High who, because of the free will I have given to all of My children, will have to suffer enduring pain until the New Paradise on earth evolves."  This is a tissue of absurdities.  God, being perfect, possesses perfect happiness in heaven and does not suffer.  Plus, this smacks of millenarianism. 

-- Promise of a seal.  A "seal of the living God" is promised upon the recitation of a prayer.  Once again, we are promised grace bypassing the Sacraments.  We already have a seal: the indelible characters of Baptism and particularly Confirmation (CCC at 1293-96).  The alleged "seal" promised to the followers of this seer purports to protect them from physical tribulations under Antichrist.  We all know from experience that the real seal on our soul conferred by the Sacrament of Confirmation does not protect us from temporal problems.

-- The Catholic Church has taught error.  The website claims that the Catholic Church has abandoned the true teachings of Christ, has taught that hell does not exist, and therefore she will be "cast aside" into the desert, and the "False Prophet" will amalgamate her with other, false religions.  Of course this is false (CCC at 869), and ought to alarm any knowledgeable Catholic.

-- The "True Church" will be built by the Jews and the followers of this seer.  This website identifies the two witnesses in the book of Revelation as the followers of this seer and the Jews.  After describing how they will be persecuted, the seer says: "Both will feel defeated but this will not be the case for you will form, along with all other religions, the one true Church – the New Jerusalem which will rise from the Ashes."  So, if that's the case, then the gates of hell DO prevail against the Church, and Christ is NOT with her all days until the consummation of the world.  Jesus, then, is a liar, and therefore not God.

These are just some of the glaring errors, gleaned from a cursory review of this website.  People, wake up.  "The Warning" is heretical, and these "revelations" are a fraud.  Do not be taken in.  Look to Scripture and Tradition to find out God's will for us, and don't waste your time on cockamamie "seers."


  1. As you know Anita, I have highlighted some of these errors in my twelve post series on private revelation, indeed the same HERESIES. I know, like you, good people who eat this stuff up, not realizing the Protestant mind-set behind the messages and how many of these depart from Catholic teaching. I found 22 serious errors in 40 minutes looking at the archives on the website.

    Here are the problems: ignorance is number one; experience over the rational-so many Catholics have become anti-intellectual; personal sin--now, I know this is not popular, but if we are open to deceit, there is hidden deceit in our lives and a thorough examination of conscience over one's life is absolutely necessary; next, laziness--I am sorry to say this, but people want CatholicMac, instead of taking time to prepare and dinner and cook, that is read the Catechesism, they want quick nourishment-and they get POISON.

    What these people do not realize is that Satan is far more clever than we are and uses everything and anything to get us to Hell.

    Keep up the good work and I hope some of your ideas get circulated. You have my back-up. The more of us who show the evil falsehood of these messages, the better.

  2. Anita, may I add that souls are at stake here, as people will be taken away from the need, even weekly, of Confession. I go every week and many times I am the only one in a very large church. Can Catholics not see they are falling into serious error by thinking they are absolved outside the sacrament? The is Lutheranism.

    Please continue your crusade on this point. I know too many Catholics who have fallen into heresy because of this website.

  3. thank you for posting this I have been trying to find a good rebuttal to this. I am currently in the process of becoming welcomed into full communion with the Catholic church after being a Lutheran for 44years and I can say that it does (mdm) read the same as the book of concordia and both of Luthers cat's. I had almost given up on joining the church after being lead to this mdm site by catholic friends, but my Deacon and my priest save my ass...

  4. I have found so many errors in this book that if I were to publish them, I would have a larger book than the original!!! : )

  5. Which book? I trust you don't mean the Catechism!

  6. I guess Geoff means the book "The Warning." I got a copy of it from a friend who distributed several copies as gifts. I will call her attention to the rebuttals that you made. I was very concerned about this when I noted some inconsistencies with the teachings of the Church, but I must admit Satan had a very good cover-up in this one... Thanks a lot!

  7. Thanks, Joyce, I missed the fact that there is also a book. Awful stuff.

  8. Thank you for this article Anita. I only just stumbled upon it. I will link it to my list of sources that argue against the MDM messages on my blog article, "Maria Divine Mercy, Schism!" Thank you!

    Please join the Facebook Page "Maria Divine Mercy - True or False?" and help in our quest to save souls from this heretical cult.

