Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Brianna: Getting Serious

This from Gayle, OPL, Brianna's grandmother, on the latest turn in her condition:
The prognosis is not very good for Brianna. They found her colon in much worse shape than it was a year ago. The doctor said it was infected all the way through and that if they can’t get this under control they will have to remove her colon and she will be confined to a colostomy bag for the rest of her life. Quite a tall order for a 10 year old.
God in his great wisdom won’t let us down however as I can attest to the power of prayer and if we all commit to include her in our daily Rosary, I’m confident that God will shine and all will be well. Please join me in a 54 day Rosary novena for this intention beginning tomorrow.
And I would add: in addition to the Rosary novena, pray the novena prayer to Bl. Margaret, too. This sort of thing is right up her alley. Both she and Bri need a miracle.

O God by whose Will the blessed virgin, Margaret, was blind from birth, that, the eyes of her mind being inwardly enlightened, she might think without ceasing on You alone: be the light of our eyes, that we may be able to flee the shadows in this world, and reach the home of never-ending light. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, glorify your servant, Blessed Margaret, by granting the favor we so ardently desire. This we ask in humble submission to God’s Will, for His Honor and Glory and the salvation of souls. Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…